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Schedule Correction Policy


The Central Senior High Counselors and Administration has developed a Schedule Correction Policy to ensure all students have equal access to Central courses. This policy ensures all students will be able to be placed in required and elective courses, along with participating in specialty programs (IB, Career Pathways, PSEO, etc.).

The year-long master schedule is built, teachers are hired and programs added based on the requested courses during the previous spring. Therefore, it can be difficult to change a student’s schedule once it has been created.

Parameters of the Schedule Correction Policy:

  • Schedules will not be changed for students that have changed their minds from courses previously selected, or don't want to have a class at a particular time (such as the first period) or to be in a class with their friends, in addition to other reasons.

  • Any program changes such as AVID and IB must be approved by a parent/guardian, counselor, program lead and administrator.

  • Students may request a course level change approved by a parent/guardian and the course teacher. NOTE: Students may need to complete extra work to get up to speed in the new class.

  • There are a few instances where a student’s schedule did not work with the electives they requested or the class was no longer offered. To fill these gaps, we will first use their alternate requests to fill their schedule.

  • Students who don't have a required or core course in their schedule will have their schedule updated with the appropriate course.